Explore projects
This package contains a collection of tools used for QA of TYPO3 extensions developed at PSV NEO GmbH
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This project contains the skeleton for a TYPO3 project
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This package contains only config files for the package psvneo/qa-toolset-t3.
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This extension integrates "meilisearch" into your TYPO3.
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A tool to download database dumps and assets of available environments.
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This extension provides a simple job portal (fork of jobfair).
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This extension adds a directory abstraction layer and an indexer for directories.
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This extension provides the possibility to manage event data.
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This extension connect the extension "rico_social_clubs" with extension "rico_events".
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This extension provides the possibility to create persons, associated with addresses, and show them as a sorted list or a single record.
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This library provides an easy API to communicate with the Karriere Suedwestfalen API.
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shopware 6 project skeleton with docker development support.
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This extension provides a plugin to display a download center, based on a given folder hierarchy.
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This extension adds cleverreach finishers for powermail and forms.